Be Proud for Exercise

Yay, I’ve been proud of myself for starting to exercise a bit more.  I am signed up for two 5K runs and I wanted to be able to do them without feeling like a complete idiot who is out of breath in the first five minutes and I didn’t want to be the last person; however even the last person should be proud for finishing!

So, I’ve went on the treadmill a few times and it’s been really hard to get myself to do it.  I usually manage to talk myself out of it and find all the stupid excuses.  One time, true story here, I wanted to do Zumba on my Wii.  I mean I actually had a desire to do it and was excited about it, but once I went to the living room to do it, I realized I’d have to move the coffee table.  BAM, I hit that resistance wall and that was the doom of my workout.  I sadly did not do any Zumba that evening and was quite disappointed in myself for using such a lame ass excuse.  I mean seriously, that was my excuse?  Come on Danielle.

So, back to being proud of myself.  Granted I did not do Wii Zumba that evening I have managed a few times to make it down to the treadmill.  It isn’t located in my house, so it’s not super convenient, but I did it!  At first I told myself I was going to walk for 20 minutes and I did. I even managed a mile that time.  That same week I decided to go to a Zumba class at the local community center.  It was for an hour, I figured I’d die, but if I couldn’t last the whole hour then it was OK if I left a bit early, but nope, I managed the whole hour.  Woot!  

Then the next time I decided to exercise was very random.  I was frustrated, irritated and upset at the pain joys of being a parent and life’s tough times, but instead of emotional eating I got dressed and said I was going for a run.  I didn’t ask for permission, I didn’t even feel bad for leaving the house, but instead I went for a walk/job OUTSIDE.    It was February in Minnesota and was only 27 degrees.  I did it, I went for a whole mile in 17 minutes.  I came back into the house and thought; what the hell was that?  I don’t jog for fun or when I’m upset and surely I don’t do it outside in the winter.  I thought I was insane, but for some odd reason I was proud.  Now, I’m not going to go into each time I’ve exercised since then, but I have done it.  Not often, but more than before so that’s a good start.  I even was able to walk/jog a mile in 14 minutes the other day and continued after that for another 1/2 mile for a total of 1.5 miles in 22 minutes.  Now, I can’t compare myself to others because to some that it minuscule, but to me I’m proud. 

You can’t tell too much here, but here is a sweaty picture after my 22 minutes 1.5 mile jog!

Jogging on Treadmill

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